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Ramp Gin - 750ml
Ramp Gin - 750ml

Ramp Gin - 750ml

The Ramp Gin from Isolation Proof is a unique and intriguing spirit that captures the essence of the wild ramp, a pungent member of the allium family. On the nose, it exudes big onion energy with a backbone of fertile earth and anisette. The taste is decidedly savory and vegetal, with peppery and herbal notes that give way to a citrusy finish. This gin is not clear, but rather a beautiful pale shade of green, reflecting the vibrant color of the ramps used in its production. Cocktail-wise, the Ramp Gin shines in spirit-forward drinks like Gibsons, where its savory character complements the briny cocktail onion garnish. It also mixes beautifully with club soda or tonic, creating a refreshing and unique Ramp G&T. The gin's versatility extends to vermouth-based cocktails, where it can be used in a 50:50 martini-style serve.

  • Brand: Isolation Proof
  • Region:New York
  • Sub-Region:Catskills
  • Varietal:Distilled from 100% whey neutral spirits
  • Alcohol:46.0%
  • Size:750ml

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  • Country:United States
  • Still Type:Stainless steel & Copper Hybrid Pot/Column Still
  • Still Size:50-Gallon
  • Maturation:5 to 6 weeks in stainless steel
  • Distiller Name:Jake Sherry
  • Producer Website:
  • Total Production:225-300 Liters