Herbaceous dill balanced by earthy angelica and the zip of fresh lemon. Complex and concentrated, this gin is crafted to add depth to spring’s long drinks.
Bonded Bourbon Whiskey NV- 750ml
Roknar 100% Rye Whiskey NV - 375ml
Roknar Minnesota Rye Whiskey NV - 1L
Gustaf Navy Strength Gin NV - 750ml
Roknar Bonded Straight Rye Whiskey NV - 750ml
Hazlet Single Varietal Rye Whiskey NV - 750ml
Roknar Minnesota Rye Whiskey NV - 375ml
Roknar Minnesota Rye Whiskey NV - 750ml
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2023
"Hurluberlu" St Nicolas de Bourgueil - 2022
"Hopla" Cider - 2020
"Hippolyte" VDF Rouge - 2022