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LTO NV - 750ml
LTO NV - 750ml
LTO NV - 750ml
LTO NV - 750ml

LTO NV - 750ml

In Empirical’s very early days, a team member returned from lunch with a sandwich and
a bag of doritos. Lars threw the Doritos into the still, not expecting much. But as the R&D
team sipped it for the first time, they burst into laughter. They were drinking Doritos!
Experience the indulgent flavors of your favorite snack in a liquid form. The spirit opens
with umami and tangy aromas of nacho cheese, moving into the deeper, corn-forward
flavors of the chip to finish on a soft salty note. For the Child at heart and the grown up
at home.

  • Brand: Empirical
  • Varietal:Malted Barley, Belgian Saison Yeast 2, Doritos Nacho Cheese
  • Alcohol:42.0%
  • Size:750ml

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  • Country:United States